Sunday, December 24, 2006

$6 Million Dollar Man

I dedicate this post to that once bronzed character of fame: Steve Austin.
As the New Year is on our front porch and knocking fiercely, we all have the opportunity to create new goals for ourselves. While looking in my journal today at church (I know, GREAT usage of time!), I realized that I only fished 19 creeks/lakes/rivers the WHOLE year! This makes 2006 an all-time low. At any other time and in any other circumstance, this would make me sad. This year, I'm happy that I didn't branch out as much geographically whilst waving a fly stick and in the pursuit of besting large salmonids. I hunkered down and learned so much from my education, and I wouldn't trade that for 300 days of amazing fishing.
So besides the obvious goal of exploring more rivers now that I have a marketable trade while paying back my college loans, I am fixin' to create a reachable fitness goal: To get a 6 pack and decrease my body fat percentage.

I am a 6'5 195 lb 31 year old man. I believe my body fat % to be around 18%. I am focusing on dropping that fat and turning it into muscle. In fact, I would like to weigh about 210 by June of 2007. I believe that through a simple plan of hitting the gym 4 times a week, tackling the ever difficult "Herschel Walker workout" (300 pushups, 300 situps in 30 minutes) and running and swimming beyond my heart's desire will help me feel success. At that point that I can look into the mirror in 6 months and imagine the narrator from the 70's action series and hear him say: "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. Better than he was before. Better…stronger…faster.”

This may mean putting down the Haagen-Daas for the extra bite and eating more peanut butter smothered bananas. But the way I look at it, I accomplished an educational goal that I thought impossible 2 years ago, so why not continue to propel myself into a better world? Why not continue to search through my life and discover either where the wells have run dry, or where there are NO wells to begin with? Might as well break out the shovel and startin diggin' for the jewels of self-discovery, accomplishments and a greater sense of self that will enrich my life and continue to bring me happiness.

"We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first progressive man. Kevin Wright will be that man."

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