Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Not since the late 80’s and early 90’s have I enjoyed a sitcom so much. The last classic was the ever-hilarious “Wings”. I remember that D and I watched that show ALL THE TIME! I saw each episode about 4 or 5 times, and still to this day, if I can find an old VHS with “Wings” on it, I will watch and just laugh my head off.
Fast forward to now, February of 2007. I watch three other shows on television regularly. #1=Smallville. I’ve been at it for 6 seasons, so why would I stop now? Besides, it’s the mythology of SUPERMAN. And it’s a family affair. #2= HEROES. What a cool show! It’s kind of DNA mutation idea that parallels the X-Men series, but these writers are so darn creative I completely envy their storyboards and creative consultant jobs. I love it, it’s very creative and I find that I am so intrigued about how the story will unfold that it soon climbed past #3= LOST. I really think JJ Abrams needs to put down the crack pipe and decide what he wants to do with LOST. If it ends like ALIAS did, I will be sorely disappointed. I need some continuity here, Mr. Abrams. I think we ALL do.
Well, among these serious plots and 466 other channels boasting reality television, I find I need some comedy to give me a good laugh here and there. Well, I have found the pot o’ gold I have been searching for since the early 90’s once again.
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Yes ladies and gentlemen, SCRUBS is one half hour of pure comedic delight. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard every time I watched a show. “Will and Grace” was pretty funny too, but SCRUBS takes the cake. Just thought I would give public homage to the humorous writing on television right now. I would love to be on the set for an episode, you can just tell they are having a blast. I’m just excited that there is always something to watch nowadays and when I’m in the mood for a good laugh.

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