I am an anonymous political bystander who has elevated thoughts roll through his head just asking to be inspired by a higher power and when prompted, I feel the greatest achievement when I can transcribe these thoughts to paper.
Just the evening prior, a man named Barack Obama was elected 44th President of the United States of America. He is the first African American to hold this title, and as a registered Independent, I voted for him in both the Primaries and yesterday’s election. I am happy to see the literal face of change in the government. There are more women and people of different ancestry than Europeans that are in the Senate, House and the White House. I find it wonderful and beautiful that my country is reaching into the corners of the world to extract such people that can bring about change and usher in democracy in new ways, perhaps better than what has been done in the past few decades.
Having said that, I wish to press upon a more local issue, and that would be the stake of the mindset of the LDS Saints. Just over 150 years ago, the LDS faith carried itself over the plains and fields of the Midwest in order to escape harsh judgment and unethical treatment of its people. They found the Great Salt Lake Valley, and they have been able to prosper ever since. We sought refuge from people who judged us because of our beliefs. These people were even willing to put us to death because of the way we lived our lives.
I would tell the generation of my people, those who profess to follow Christ through their daily affirmations and actions: Thou shalt not whine.
We have the knowledge of the Gospel in our lives, and you mean to tell me that you think the future leader of our country, even Barack Hussein Obama is “The Anti-Christ”? What have you done? You have suggested a tyrannical name for a man who has not even been tested. You compare him to Stalin, Lenin and Hitler because he wants the best for everyone in his country?
Can you truly call yourself a disciple of Jesus Christ when you judge a man for works he has not even committed? If so, I am truly ashamed of you, and of what you represent. In times of despair, instead of lashing out against someone you hardly know, who you don’t know that much about, you hit your knees in the evening and you pray that God will direct our President’s affairs, and that he will find that guiding light that we all look for in our lives to make the most important decisions that affect us all!
Obama is NOT a Muslim, he was baptized in the Trinity Church in Chicago in 1998. He is an educated, wonderful person. And who are YOU to say that he isn’t?
I think it’s time that we all do as my sophomore basketball coach suggested and, “Quit whining and telling me that you CAN’T do it, and get out there and do as you have been asked. And no bellyaching!”
We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I want to hear people talk about a bright outlook and hear that we can foster strength in our children against tough times, and that we can shore up our sails against tumultuous winds and storms because of our FAITH in the Gospel.
I wish to hear no more of Anti-Christs, assassinations so that our country may become free. The man has not even been tested yet, and I am hearing FOUL things from the mouths of Saints concerning the welfare of our next President.
Surely our prophets will not lead us astray, and if you do not listen to me, then for all that is good and holy in this world, listen to THEM! We should not judge those who do not deserve harsh judgments, lest we become just like those who would push us away because of our “different” beliefs. Honestly my people let us once again renew our faith and wish the best for our leaders. There is a REASON he has been elected. You cannot dismiss him because he chooses a different path, and who knows what kind of influence he may have in spreading democracy around the world. Let us pay our tithing, and if our country asks us to give more, then we should, and seek to find the good in these works, in fact we can help our neighbors all around us.
Let us celebrate our democracy and stop complaining. I don’t want to hear whining from those people, just do as you have always done and put your shoulder to the wheel and push along for all of heaven’s sake!
-Kevin B Wright
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