Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Elephants v. Donkeys

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Random thought: Why did the Democrats pick a DONKEY to represent them? I guess the creative minds weren't coming together on that idea...

With the way everything in politics is developing lately, I should say it will be a VERY interesting campaign.
I truly hope more people show up at the polls. It’s very frustrating that we live in a country where people are allowed to vote for their leaders and our overall percentage of voters is less than half of those who CAN vote.

Most interesting to me will be the banter between McCain and Romney. Not 24 hours after Romney announced his candidacy did McCain jump all over him for switching on issues. That’s interesting. John McCain said that. And he’s NEVER switched issues. Or would that be switching political parties?

Everyone put on your raincoats and fire up the popcorn. I’m sure we are in for a treat with all the mudslinging that will happen between now and Nov of 2008.

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