Thursday, May 3, 2007

Stimis & Hoppers & Hizzy Spizzies, O My!

Paul: Norm, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Norm: A minister, I guess. Or a professional boxer.

Paul: You think you could beat Jack Johnson?
I think you could.
I'd lay a bet on it.

Norm: What are you gonna be?
Paul: A professional fly-fisherman.

Norm: There's no such thing.

Paul: There isn't? I guess a boxer.

Norm: Not a minister?
Paul: Heh!

Thus is my new reality. While I wait for all to be good in the realm of massage therapy, I am filling my daytime hours with a job I can’t believe they pay me for down at Western Rivers Flyfisher.
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Fly fishing has always been a heartfelt love, passion, obsession, or whatever you want to call it. I have thought about working down at the Shop for a long time, and just now, the timing seems absolutely perfect, and I have been given a full-time job in which I can learn about the industry, improve my skills as a fisherman, and also work as hard as I can to establish a good reputation for Western.
It’s pretty exciting that I am able to immerse myself in countless products of clothing, rods, reels, waders, fly tying material, and get to know so many wonderful people in the area who love to fly fish almost as much as me!
I basically have one day during the week that I get out and fish, and it is JUST what I need after talking all day to other people who get to fish. Yes, I realize I was in their shoes just two weeks ago, but I love the education I am getting from working in the shop and learning all about our products and

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